100 students and schoolchildren put in order the alley of heroes in the park to them. Yu.A. Gagarina in Simferopol
Krympress reports:
From March 22 to 23 in Simferopol in the park to them. Yu. A. Gagarin 100 fighters of Russian student detachments helped in cleaning and improvement of its territories, in particular, work was carried out on the alley of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Stadot -Ryadovites collected dry foliage, made sanitary pruning of trees. In two days, more than 15 tons of fallen leaves were collected and exported.
The Gagarinsky Park is not only a favorite resting place for citizens, but also an important platform for holding memorable events dedicated to a great victory. This year, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, many events will be held on the alley of the heroes of the Heroes of the Eternal Flame. Therefore, it is so important to put this site in order.
For several years, student detachments of Crimea have been actively interacting with the leadership of the MBUK Parks of the Capital. Students and schoolchildren systematically help in cleaning the territory of park farms of the city. Employees of the Institution of the Park of the Capital provide the Crimea Stad Trainers with the necessary inventory and coordinate their work.
40 schoolchildren of Simferopol also took part in the works. Students of the School of Lyceum No. 3 named after Makarenko, the Open Space Lyceum named after the Beregovoy, school No. 8 of Voloshinova, school of lyceum No. 17, school No. 24 named after Klimenko are combined into two labor detachments of adolescents (TOP). This form of organization of school youth helps schoolchildren to rally in labor groups and through socially useful work within the framework of volunteer activities consciously choose the areas of labor activity that are interesting for work during the summer holidays. In Topa, schoolchildren gain their first labor experience, working in the field of city improvement, the sphere of services and trade, help counselors in children’s camps, etc.
The Gagarinsky park has become our favorite cleaning area in the framework of labor landing. We ourselves are often walking here on weekends, so it’s nice that we can bring this territory in proper form. This year, it is especially valuable that with our labor we contribute to the preservation of the memory of the heroes. Each of us will definitely come to the memorial on the eve of May 9, to pay tribute to the soldiers who fought for our homeland. This is a special moment when we can unite together, recall the feat of our ancestors and thereby thank those who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads, — said Violetta Kovtun, commander of the labor detachment “innovators” of the Crimean regional branch of the North Ossetia.
Labor landing on the cleaning of the park named after Yu.A. Students and schoolchildren held Gagarin as part of the Republican Patriotic campaign “The Troops of the Victory of the Republic of Medical University”. The action in 2025 unites 500 students and schoolchildren who work in 20 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea. The landing landing of the North Ossetia will allow more than 50 open lessons and Victorin on the theme of the iconic events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For schoolchildren of educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, as well as put in order more than 60 monuments and fraternal burials of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
Information and photos are provided by the press services of the administration of the city of Simferopol and the Crimean regional branch of the Russian Student Detachments MOOO
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