16% of Crimean employers annoy how the Zumers easily change their work
Krympress reports:
Aycharov in recruiting employees is most annoyed by irresponsibility, lack of discipline and a frequent change of job. In an open survey of the Search for highly paid work Superjob Representatives of personnel services of enterprises and organizations from Crimea took part.
Answering the question of what is most annoying in working with young employees of the company, every fifth HR manager (20%) called irresponsibility and acceleration. 16% pay attention to the inconsistency of youth and the ease with which they quit from work. 12% — for optionality and non -discipline. 10% of personnel officers indicate the unwillingness of young people to work. 7% are outraged by high salary expectations. 6% of the EICHAROV consider young employees too ambitious. The moodiness, exactingness and unwillingness to study irritate every twentieth HR manager. 2% of personnel officers are noted among representatives of generation Z of excessive sensitivity to criticism, non -compliance with subordination and poor -quality tasks.
25% of personnel managers who took part in the survey said that they do not see minuses in working with Zumers: “Nothing annoying. We take young people from the age of 16. They are all nimble and smart. ”
Time: February 14 — March 13, 2025
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