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27,000 square meters of roads repaired in Yalta

27,000 square meters of roads repaired in Yalta

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the head of the city administration, Yanina Pavlenko, almost half of the planned 57 thousand square meters of roads have already been repaired in the municipality.

We have completed laying 3 thousand square meters of new asphalt on Blukhera (area of ​​house No. 40). Milling work is underway on Stakhanovskaya, Kazantseva, Voroshilov streets, in Yunosti and Krasnoarmeysky lanes. By the end of the year, we will have made 43 roads throughout the municipality. And this is only by the efforts of MBU «DEU» — a number of streets will be repaired by the Ministry of Transport of Crimea— the press service quotes Yanina Pavlenko.

27,000 square meters of roads repaired in Yalta 27,000 square meters of roads repaired in Yalta 27,000 square meters of roads repaired in Yalta

According to the head of the Yalta administration, active work is underway to form a register of “bad roads” with their inclusion in the repair schedule.

source: Information Policy Department of the Yalta City Administration

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