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40% of Crimeans are against introducing fines for parents of smoking teenagers

40% of Crimeans are against introducing fines for parents of smoking teenagers

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Fathers approve of the idea of ​​fining parents of smoking teenagers more often than mothers. In a survey conducted by the service SuperJob Representatives of the economically active population, including parents of children aged 12-16, took part.

The Cabinet of Ministers rejected the bill on fines for parents whose minor children under 16 smoke, but acknowledged that this issue requires increased attention and the bill requires revision. A survey conducted by SuperJob showed that 31% of Crimeans support the initiative to introduce fines for parents of smoking teenagers. 40% of respondents spoke out against this idea.

Men supported the introduction of fines more often than women. The older the respondents and the higher their income, the more often they approved of this initiative. Among city residents over 45, the share of support was 45% (versus 32% among respondents under 34), and among those who earn more than 100 thousand rubles a month — 39%. Interestingly, 26% of respondents who smoke themselves also spoke out in favor of fines: «If my mother had explained to me clearly at the time what awaited me in adulthood and that there was a healthy alternative to smoking, there is a 90% probability that I would not have started smoking.»

31% of parents of minor children also support the introduction of fines for smoking. Fathers more often than mothers agree with the need to introduce this punishment. Every second parent (49%) is against the bill.

According to the study, 73% of parents of boys and 83% of parents of girls aged 12-16 claim that their children do not smoke and have not even tried it. Every fifth parent raising a son and every ninth parent raising a daughter know for sure or suspect that their child smokes. Women are more likely than men to know that their child smokes.

Find out more:  Курское направление: Потери ВСУ растут. Карта СВО — 19 сентября

Time: July 8-10, 2024

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