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400 Crimean students help in improving the settlements of Crimea and cleaning the coast

400 Crimean students help in improving the settlements of Crimea and cleaning the coast

Krympress reports:

Traditionally, during the winter holidays, Russian student detachments in the Crimea will be engaged in the improvement of socially useful municipal territories, the provision of employment for the elderly, and the monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will put in order. And they will be involved in cleaning the consequences of eating fuel oil in the coastal zone.

Before traveling to work for fighters of the North Ossetia, a school of labor volunteering was organized, which took place of 400 Studot -Rodsy.

From January 23 to 24 in Simferopol on the basis of the Crimean Federal University. V.I. Vernadsky for students held a school of preparations for the labor landing as part of the Republican Patriotic Promotion «Crimean Student Troops of the North Ossetia».

The school took place in two stages: the preparation of commands of labor volunteer detachments and the preparation of volunteers to participate in the action. Participants passed master classes on commanding, briefings on safety, labor protection, rules of conduct in unforeseen circumstances and the first pre-medical medical care.

This year, within the framework of the Promotion, the Crimean Student landing of the North Ossetia, we pay special attention to cleaning the monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, assisting the families of participants of the Swate, as well as conducting courage lessons in schools, which is dedicated to an important date-the 80th anniversary of the victory in Great Patriotic War1941-1945 This is not only a tribute to those who defended our freedom, but also a reminder of how important historical memory is in the formation of civil liability and patriotism. It is gratifying to see that young people are active in their history and seek to touch the heroic past, making their contribution to the development of Crimea and strengthening its historical and cultural heritage, — said Ekaterina Denesyuk, head of the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments.

Every year, children who want to join the action are becoming more and more. Given the growth of the number of participants in the action for us, it is important to pay special attention to the preparation of children for work. This is especially true in the elimination of pollution of oil products in the coastal zone of Crimea. Participants in the Crimean Student landing of the North Ossetia undergo all the necessary briefings that will allow them to perform work without negative consequences for themselves and the environment. The School of Labor Volunteering is also aimed at rallying the children in unified teams that they will work on a labor landing— said Maria Nekrasova, commissar of the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments.

The Crimean Student Assocation of the Republic of DSC is held as part of the All -Russian Patriotic campaign “Snow Troops of the Republic of Medical University”, uniting Crimean students and schoolchildren in labor volunteering in the winter. Throughout 2018 to 2025. The action was attended by more than two thousand fighters of student detachments of the Republic of Crimea. The start of the action is traditionally given on the eve of the day of the Russian student.

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Source: Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the Russian Student detachments MOOO

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