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6 out of 10 HR managers in Crimea admitted that photos on resumes help employers make decisions

6 out of 10 HR managers in Crimea admitted that photos on resumes help employers make decisions

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Most HR managers review a resume, regardless of whether it contains a photo of the applicant, but if there is a photo, it is easier for company representatives to decide whether to invite you for an interview. In a survey of a service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob Representatives of companies from Crimea took part.

In 87% of companies, HR considers resumes without a photo: 79% — for any positions, 8% — for some. 9% of employers admit that they are not ready to consider candidates’ resumes without photos. Although it is not necessary to attach a photo to a resume, 6 out of 10 HR managers admit that the presence of a photo is important and helps the recruiter make a decision: 43% of respondents would like to see photos of applicants for any positions, another 21% of photos help to make a decision regarding candidates for some positions. Judging by the comments, the top 5 positions for which it is highly desirable for applicants to attach a photo to their resume include client managers, sales specialists, secretaries, office managers and executives. 23% of HR people say that the photo on their resume does not influence their decision in any way,” noted the service’s press service.

Dates: January 12-25, 2024

Positions for which the presence of a photo in the resume is necessary (contextual analysis of comments, in descending order of number of mentions):

1. Account manager
2. Sales Manager
3. Secretary at the reception
4. Office manager
5. Leader

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