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71% of Crimeans support the bill on self-ban on issuing loans

71% of Crimeans support the bill on self-ban on issuing loans

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On January 17, 2024, amendments to the bill were adopted in the first reading, which provides for the possibility of establishing a self-ban on issuing loans. Such a financial mechanism will help protect Crimeans in situations where fraudsters try to apply for a loan in their name. The high-paying job search service SuperJob found out whether citizens support such an initiative and are ready to impose a self-ban. Economically active citizens took part in the survey.

The bill on a self-ban on issuing loans is supported by 71% of Crimeans. Most often — those who earn over 100 thousand rubles per month (82%). Only 7% were against: “An attempt to shift responsibility for financial security from the state and financial organizations to citizens.” 42% of city residents want to establish a self-ban on issuing loans. Moreover, respondents over 45 years of age (55%) and those surveyed who had not used loans over the past six months (45%) spoke about readiness more often than others.— reported the press service of the service.

According to the revised version of the bill, self-prohibition can be established not only on the State Services website, but also in MFCs and banks.

Dates: January 26-29, 2024

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