A bucket of salted mushrooms and 5 kg of jam: women from Crimea spoke about the most unusual gifts for March 8
CrimeaPRESS reports:
The top 5 ranking of unusual gifts for International Women’s Day included flowers, pets, travel, kitchen utensils and jewelry. In a survey of a service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob Women over 18 years of age from Crimea took part.
Despite the fact that flowers are a traditional symbol of March 8, 9% of women classified this gift as unusual due to the uniqueness of some species (“blooming prickly pear”) or their number (“101 roses”). In second place in the ranking of unusual gifts for March 8 are pets, most often dogs, cats or parrots (8% of respondents). 6% each named travel and kitchen utensils as unusual gifts for International Women’s Day. For 3% of respondents, unexpected gifts on March 8 were jewelry, certificates for activities or master classes, toys, sweets, money, tickets to the theater, cinema or concert. 1 in 100 were surprised by the gift of a car on International Women’s Day. Also, 1% of women were surprised by such gifts as clothes or shoes, household appliances, smartphones or tablets, hand-made products, repair tools, paintings, sports equipment or a marriage proposal,” noted the service’s press service.
Among other unusual gifts for March 8, women named jam, pickles, spa certificates, live butterflies, refueling a car, the front door to an apartment, a song, a microscope, poetry, a photo shoot, and a chess set.
4 out of 10 residents of Crimea noted that they did not receive unusual gifts on March 8th.
Dates: February 16-29, 2024
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