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A chess tournament for the prizes of Tatyana Vasilevich is announced in Evpatoria

CrimeaPRESS reports:

00-00 January in Evpatoria on the basis of the chess club of the Palace of Sports (Victory Avenue, 11) traditional republican chess competitions for the prizes of Tatyana Vasilevich, Vice-President of the Chess Federation of the Republic of Crimea, will be held.

The program includes tournaments in rapid chess (rapid) and blitz. Time control: rapid — minutes until the end of the game for each participant with an addition of 5 seconds for each move, starting from the first; blitz — 3 minutes before the end of the game for each participant with an addition of 3 seconds for each move, starting from the first. All willing athletes are allowed to participate in the competition, regardless of qualifications , — reports «Crimean Sport» .

Rapid competitions will be held on 15 January (beginning at .15), in blitz — 16 January (11.00). Competition regulations, as well as preliminary registration of participants — on the official website of the Chess Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

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