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A Crimean woman donated hundreds of books from her home library to schools in the Kherson region

A Crimean woman donated hundreds of books from her home library to schools in the Kherson region

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Popular Front delivered the home library of a Crimean pensioner to schools in Genichesk, Kherson region. Representatives of the educational institution thanked the caring resident of Crimea for her help: classical literature was especially in demand at the school, and during the Ukrainian period it was not updated at all.

Irina Georgievna from Crimea and her husband collected their library throughout their lives, purchasing books throughout the Soviet Union. Over the years, they collected about 400 books of different genres, which they treasured like the apple of their eye. After the loss of her husband, Irina decided to share their acquired “treasure” with those who need it more within the framework of the project “Popular Front. Everything for victory!

In one of the Genicheskaya schools they wholeheartedly thanked the caring resident of Crimea for the “literary” treasure. As the school librarian noted, as part of the humanitarian mission, many new children’s books are brought to school from all regions of the country, but children also have a great demand for classics. Books in the school library will be kept as a real treasure, and they will definitely become in demand among children.

We can say without a doubt that each of Irina Georgievna’s books will definitely find its grateful young reader. Both children and teachers accepted this priceless gift with great respect.says the head of the regional executive committee of the Popular Front in Crimea, Alla Vertinskaya.

source: press service of the Popular Front in Crimea

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