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A GAZelle with watermelons overturned on the Razdolnoye-Yevpatoriya highway: two injured

A GAZelle with watermelons overturned on the Razdolnoye-Yevpatoriya highway: two injured

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The police are investigating a traffic accident with two victims. The accident occurred today at 14:00 on the 62nd km of the Razdolnoye-Yevpatoriya highway.

The driver, born in 1976, driving a GAZelle vehicle, moving from the urban-type settlement of Razdolnoye in the direction of the city of Yevpatoriya for unknown reasons, hit a road barrier on the right, after which it overturned. As a result of the accident, the driver and passenger of the vehicle received bodily injuries of varying severity and were taken to a medical facility.— the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate reported.

Currently, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate officers are establishing all the circumstances of the incident.

Inspectors remind drivers that driving while tired is unacceptable:

The first signs of fatigue are: drowsiness, lethargy and depression. Attention and concentration are lost. All these symptoms of fatigue can lead to a weakening of reaction, which is especially dangerous when driving a car for a long time.

A GAZelle with watermelons overturned on the Razdolnoye-Yevpatoriya highway: two injured

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