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A law on confiscation of property for crimes against national security was adopted

A law on confiscation of property for crimes against national security was adopted

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Including for fakes and discrediting the army.

At a plenary session, the State Duma adopted in the third and final reading a bill that introduces into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the possibility of confiscation of property for fakes about the Russian army and public calls for activities directed against the security of the state.

The document was introduced on January 22 by a group of deputies led by the Chairman of the House of Parliament Vyacheslav Volodin; it was adopted in the first reading on January 24, in the second reading on January 31. More information about this strict law — HERE. Let us note that the authors of the initiative are 395 State Duma deputies.

We have repeatedly discussed this issue with you — the absolute majority is in favor of the need to punish traitors who pour dirt on our country from abroad, soldiers and officers participating in the North Military District, support and finance the Nazi Kiev regimesaid Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to him, the decision made will allow punishing those who conduct activities against their country.

Deprive these scoundrels of honorary titles, as well as confiscate their property, money and other valuablesemphasized the Chairman of the State Duma.

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