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A man who tried to become a drug dealer using an online store was sentenced in Sevastopol

A man who tried to become a drug dealer using an online store was sentenced in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Having agreed with the position of the state prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office of the Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol, the court issued a guilty verdict against a previously convicted 27-year-old local resident.

He was found guilty under Part 3 of Art. 30 — paragraph “d”, part 4, art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs using the Internet, by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, on a large scale). It was established that the man, acting in conspiracy with his acquaintance and other unidentified persons, in July 2023, in order to obtain illegal earnings, decided to participate in the illegal sale of drugs using an online store. Together with an accomplice, he received a wholesale batch of mephedrone, which he packaged into 30 packages for further sale in the city. Police officers stopped the criminal activities of a man at the moment when he was setting up hiding places in the area of ​​the automobile market in the Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol. The attacker tried to escape from them, throwing out packages of drugs along the way, but was detained and subsequently taken into custody. In total, more than 155 g of mephedrone were seized from illicit trafficking,” reported the press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office.

The Gagarinsky District Court of Sevastopol, taking into account the opinion of the state prosecutor, sentenced the perpetrator to 6.6 years of imprisonment in a high-security penal colony.

Materials regarding other members of the group are separated into separate proceedings.

Find out more:  Севастопольские педагоги по «Труду (технологии)» проходят повышение квалификации

source: press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office

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