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A meeting of expectant mothers dedicated to Pregnant Day was held in Sevastopol

A meeting of expectant mothers dedicated to Pregnant Day was held in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

For the first time in Russia, Pregnancy Day began to be celebrated in 2022; 16 regions of the country took part in the events. In 2023, expectant mothers were congratulated in more than 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Starting this year, the holiday was supported in Sevastopol. It is celebrated twice a year — on April 7 and October 7.

New traditions, a new holiday help you understand how good it is when a woman is ready to give birth to children, how good it is to become a mother and how important it is when everyone around you supports you. Enjoy every day of pregnancy, this is an extraordinary period of your life when two hearts beat side by side.,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Sevastopol, Marina Peschanskaya.

The meeting with expectant mothers at City Hospital No. 5 was held by representatives of the social welfare service, heads of antenatal clinics, representatives of the management of the hospital and maternity hospital, activists of public organizations, as well as specialists from the Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention.

Today the state is focused on supporting the family, supporting pregnant women, which is why the holiday appeared — Pregnant Day. The holiday is thoughtful, it will be celebrated twice a year, so that every pregnant woman can celebrate it, so that every pregnant woman can be told kind words of support during this wonderful and unusual period of her life, when she is preparing to become a mother. Being pregnant is wonderful, but there are times when anxiety sets in. It is important to remember that we are always there. You can call psychologists on the hotline, and they will talk with you and help you understand all the issues. You can come to our maternity hospital to see our psychologist. If you have medical questions, come to me, I accept twice a week without an appointment, — notes Elena Levanovich, chief freelance specialist of the Department of Health in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Experts spoke about the special purpose of a woman, because the ability to give birth, to give life to a child, is the greatest gift. At the meeting, there was a lot of useful information about the peculiarities of the pregnancy period and the possibilities of modern medicine from the leading specialists of maternity hospital No. 2. The topic of psychological preparation for childbirth and the birth of a child was also discussed. All those who came were able to ask questions that worried them and receive pleasant surprises from the organizers. A total of 60 people attended the event.

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Also, within the framework of the national project “Demography”, aimed at supporting families with children, active longevity, employment and a healthy lifestyle, employees of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children congratulated expectant mothers on Pregnant Day. According to the center’s staff, historically the peoples of Russia had a special attitude towards pregnant women: they were freed from hard work, cared for and cherished for their future life. The participants of the meeting were told about what support they can receive today in Sevastopol.

Every maternity hospital and antenatal clinic has a school for pregnant women, as well as a psychologist who is ready to provide the most active participation and support. In addition, a Breastfeeding School has recently opened. For those who want to discover new career prospects while on maternity leave, the Sevastopol branch of the Women’s Union has announced opportunities to participate in projects aimed at developing leadership skills and realizing the professional potential of expectant mothers— said the organizers of the event.

Let us remind you that a regional project “Financial support for families at the birth of children” is being implemented in Sevastopol. The main objective of the project is to create favorable conditions for the birth and upbringing of children, to minimize the consequences of changes in the financial situation of citizens in connection with the appearance of children. Detailed information can be found on the website nationalprojects.rf.

The next event dedicated to Pregnant Women’s Day will be held on April 7.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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