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A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held

A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 1, a meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held at the Sunday school of St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Chersonesos.

At the meeting, current and future issues of the life of the deanery were discussed, the orders of the Ruling Bishop of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese, Metropolitan Tikhon, as well as circular letters of the Moscow Patriarchate were considered. The dean of the Sevastopol district, Archpriest Sergius Khalyuta, drew special attention to the importance and value of information in the modern world, as well as the need to cover the parish life of the deanery not only by parish web platforms, but also by social networks. They also discussed issues of organizing liturgical and parish life, pastoral service, and improvement of churches. The heads of the relevant departments of the deanery brought to the attention of the clergy information about the work of their departments, — noted in the press service of the Sevastopol deanery.

A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held A meeting of the rectors of the churches of the Sevastopol deanery was held

source: press service of the Sevastopol deanery

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