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A new exhibition will be presented in Tauride Chersonese — “Heroes of Chersonese. Hercules»

A new exhibition will be presented in Tauride Chersonese — “Heroes of Chersonese. Hercules»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 3 at 15:00 in the small hall of the Byzantine exposition there will be a grand opening of the exhibition “Heroes of Chersonesos. Hercules.» It will present visitors with archaeological objects testifying to the veneration of this hero in Tauride Chersonese, as well as works of fine art by Crimean artists. The paintings, specially painted for the museum exhibition project, reveal a visible connection between the mythological past and the ideals of modern society.

Hercules is the brightest hero in ancient Greek culture, who played a significant and multifaceted role in the process of shaping the Hellenic ideas about heroism and the heroic, about human greatness and divine will, about the combination of beauty, strength and ideals of justice, as well as about irresistible determination in achieving the most incredible goals .

A new exhibition will be presented in Tauride Chersonese - “Heroes of Chersonese. Hercules

The Greeks revered Hercules both as a god and as a hero, and this cult was very popular; Kings were considered descendants of Hercules Sparta, Macedonia, Hellenistic Egypt, representatives of many aristocratic families of the ancient world. Every year on the second day of the month metagitnionand when, as it was believed, Hercules ascended to heaven, special festivals with athletic competitions were held in different cities of Hellas — Heraclea. The image of the hero was found on the coins of Alexander the Great, many subsequent kings who ruled the ruins of his empire, monarchs Kushan state.

The cult of Hercules was apparently transferred to Chersonesos from the metropolis — Heraclea Pontica, named after this hero. Heraclea was founded by the Dorians, who had long revered Hercules as their patron. Therefore, the Chersonesos saw in him their main character and mythical ancestor, defender of their statehood, carrying them prosperity and prosperity.

The hero’s popularity peaked in the 4th – first half of the 3rd century. BC e. This was the period of economic prosperity of Chersonesos, its complete political independence. At this time, trade with Athens, the cities of Asia Minor, island Greece, and other Greek colonies in the Northern Black Sea region developed widely. If there was a temple of Hercules in Chersonesos, then most likely it was erected precisely in uhthat era.

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In Chersonesus in the 4th–3rd centuries. BC e. Hercules is revered mainly as a Protector, Savior, and Guardian of Borders. Until the middle of the 3rd century. BC e. cult state status and, perhaps, even strengthens its position in this sense, since on the Chersonese coins of this time we see an image of the hero’s head. The same, apparently, is evidenced by the appearance of stamps depicting one of the attributes of Hercules — a club. The preservation and development of the civil component in the cult of the hero during this period is evidenced by numerous graffiti — dedicatory inscriptions on dishes.

We see Hercules sculptured in marble, limestone, clay; There were, undoubtedly, paintings, but they have not survived. His image was minted on Chersonesos coins; the inhabitants of the city called their sons Heraclius, Heraclides, Heracleions. Hercules and Hermes were considered patrons of gymnasium schools where their sculptures were installed. In the school education system, much attention was paid to sports. At the Heraclea holidays, sports competitions were held and theatrical performances based on myths about the hero were staged.

The exhibition will feature about 50 museum objects telling how the Chersonesos saw Hercules. These are marble and limestone reliefs, fragments of sculptures, terracotta figurines and coins. An organic component of the archaeological exhibition will be artistic works in which Sevastopol artists embody their perception of this ancient, but so in tune with our time, heroic image.

Get acquainted with the unique exhibition “Heroes of Chersonesos. Hercules» is available in the small hall of the Byzantine exposition from 9:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday. It will be open until December 3rd. Free admission!

A new exhibition will be presented in Tauride Chersonese - “Heroes of Chersonese. Hercules

source: Development Department of the State Museum-Reserve «Chersonese Tauride»

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