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A new exhibition with 3D technologies “Architecture of the Ancient Bosporus” is being created in the Kerch Lapidarium

A new exhibition with 3D technologies “Architecture of the Ancient Bosporus” is being created in the Kerch Lapidarium

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Work on the project is being implemented within the framework of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

In the Museum of Stone Antiquities of Kerch (Lapidarium), work is underway to create a new museum exhibition “Architecture of the Ancient Bosporus” using 3D technologies. The work is being implemented within the framework of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art.

For the employees of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, this is the first experience of working under such a grant. The grant was received by the head of the Lapidarium, Nina Kucherevskaya. The project is conceived as a synthesis of a virtual exhibition and display of genuine museum objects.

The exhibits are architectural details discovered as a result of excavations of ancient settlements that united into the powerful Bosporan kingdom with its capital Panticapaeumreports the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.

The collection of architectural details in the lapidary collection of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, numbering more than 500 copies, is rightfully considered one of the richest. These monuments contain multifaceted information about the history of the forms and ways of life of the Bosporan Greeks and help to recreate a picture of ancient culture, an important part of which is the architecture of the Bosporus.

The novelty of the exhibition created under the grant lies in the use of digital technologies. A 3D modeling specialist and associate professor at one of the leading universities in Moscow performs 3D scanning of 40 museum objects. Digital copies of the exhibits will be displayed on the monitor screen of the information terminal, each model will be accompanied by a catalog article.

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New museum exhibition “Architecture of the Ancient Bosporus” will open November 28.

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