A number of media sites were subjected to DDOS Atak. What do they think in the State Duma
Krympress reports:
Roskomnadzor recorded DDOS-Atak on a number of Kursk media sites, because of which they do not open or open with delays. In particular, the attack touched the sites posted at the foreign hosting of Cloudflare, reported TASS in the press service of the department.
Earlier in telegram channels, information appeared that almost all the sites of the Kursk media stopped open due to a massive cyber attack.
We confirm that some of the Kursk media sites do not open or open with delays due to DDOS attacks. For example, sites kpravda.ru and 46tv.ru, which are located on foreign hosting Cloudflare— the department said.
The Center for Monitoring and Management of Communications Network (TsMU SSOP) once again recommended that the owners of sites use Russian hosting.
The situation with the DDOS attacks on the sites of the Kursk media again raises the issue of cybersecurity and choosing hosting, says Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, the federal coordinator of the Digital Russia party project.
DDOS attacks remain one of the most common types of cyber attacks aimed at overloading servers, which is why the sites become inaccessible or work with serious delays. And the placement of resources in foreign hosting, such as Cloudflare, increases the risks even more— emphasizes the deputy.
Domestic hosting platforms can provide faster support and adaptation of protective measures to the features of the domestic segment of the Internet, Nemkin recalled. “In addition, they are subject to additional protection of the created by Roskomnadzor
National Countering DDOS Atams. The system provides additional protection of Runet resources using the capabilities of technical means of counteract threats. It is able to repel attacks with a capacity of 133.5 tbit/s. In 2024, Roskomnadzor experts reflected a total of more than 10.9 thousand DDOS attacks aimed at various organizations of the country. Among them, the most powerful was recorded just on the resources of the hosting provider— he said.
To increase resistance to such attacks, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach to sites protection, the deputy added.
This includes the use of hybrid solutions, such as combining Russian hosting services with additional security measures like CDN, traffic filtering and server reservation. In conditions of growing cyberosis, it is important to pay attention to protection at all levels, including infrastructure, software and organizational measures, He concluded.
Source: press service of the State Duma deputy Anton Nemkina
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