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A number of streets in Simferopol will remain without water for more than a day. Reason and addresses

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Tonight and until Wednesday afternoon, June 7, a number of streets in Simferopol will remain without water. According to the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Water of Crimea», this is due to the reconstruction of main pipelines as part of measures to reduce losses in the city’s networks. In particular, from 23:00 Monday, June 5 to 23:00 (tentatively) Tuesday, June 6, work will be carried out to reconnect pipeline sections in the area of ​​Komsomolskaya Street.

For the period of work, cold water supply will be limited to the following addresses:

  • per. Adjacent,
  • st. Kyiv (partially),
  • st. Frunze (partially),
  • st. Turgenev (partially),
  • st. Krupskaya (partially),
  • st. Vorovsky (partially),
  • st. Naples,
  • st. archaeological,
  • st. Bataeva,
  • st. Krasnoarmeyskaya (partially),
  • st. March 8 (partial)
  • st. student,
  • st. Kurchatov,
  • st. factory exit,
  • st. Rubtsova (partially),
  • per. Free,
  • st. Griboedova (partially),
  • st. Stakhanovites (partially),
  • st. Rubtsova,
  • st. partisan,
  • st. Smirnova,
  • st. Terletsky,
  • st. Levkina,
  • as well as adjacent streets and lanes.

Important! The bulk of the work is planned to be completed by approximately 23:00 on June 6, but the full restoration of water supply is expected only by 12:00 on June 7.

It makes sense for residents of the listed streets and lanes of the Crimean capital to stock up on water for future use.

Also, according to the information of the administration of Simferopol, from 23:00 Tuesday, June 6 until the end of Wednesday, June 7, work will be carried out to reconnect pipeline sections in the area of ​​st. Builders in the village. Youth

For the period of work, cold water supply will be limited in the following settlements: Komsomolskoye, town. Gresovsky, p. Agrarian, p. Bitumnoe, p. Secluded (partially). Full restoration of water supply is expected by 12:00 Thursday, June 8.

During the performance of these works, drinking water will be supplied by tank trucks. Delivery schedule will be posted later.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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