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A pedestrian zone has “crept” on Dynamo Beach in Feodosia

A pedestrian zone has “crept” on Dynamo Beach in Feodosia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The prosecutor’s office is checking the circumstances of the destruction of amenities on Dynamo Beach in Feodosia. Local residents report collapsed stairs, rickety fencing and a “creeping” pedestrian area. Photo from the VKontakte group FEODOSIA | OVERHEARD confirm.

Townspeople comment:

The coastline on Dynamo Beach now looks so traumatic and abandoned. Not fenced and very dangerous… There is emptiness under the tiles. Washed by waves.

As we saw, it continued to wash out and it was quite stormy. It didn’t even crumble after the storm, but in January, apparently it finished off later.

No one would have thought that everything inside was so blurry if not for this storm. It’s better this way than it collapsed on people in the summer. Let’s hope the tenant will clean it up in the spring.

It was probably built there during the USSR. Previously, repairs were done regularly before the start of each season. Now Dynamo turned out to be of no use to anyone.

The prosecutor’s office is looking into it.

During the inspection, an assessment will be made of the implementation of legislation in the maintenance of improvement facilities. If there are grounds, response measures will be takennoted the supervisory agency.

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