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A religious procession will take place in Sevastopol in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army from Crimea in 1920

A religious procession will take place in Sevastopol in memory of the Exodus of the Russian Army from Crimea in 1920

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 19, Sunday, a traditional religious procession and service will take place in memory of the events of the autumn of 1920 associated with the exodus of the Russian army and ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet from Crimea.

The procession begins at 11:30, from the Prince Vladimir Cathedral-tomb of the admirals — to the Grafskaya pier, where the funeral litany will be served.

The clergy of all churches of the Sevastopol deanery, Sevastopol residents and guests of the city who are not indifferent to the events of 1920 will take part in the procession.

REFERENCE: In November 1920, the last ships and vessels on which Peter Wrangel’s White Army left for a foreign land departed from Sevastopol. More than 145 thousand people left their homeland, among whom were more than 30 thousand civilians. Events dedicated to the tragedy of the evacuation of the Russian White Army, Cossacks and refugees from the ports of Crimea in 1920 during the Russian Civil War have been held in Sevastopol since 1995.

source: press service of the Sevastopol deanery

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