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A series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children has started at the Sevastopol notary office

A series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children has started at the Sevastopol notary office

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Notary Chamber of the city of Sevastopol has planned a comprehensive series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children, which is held annually on November 20.

The first educational event under this plan took place today. Vice-President of the Notary Chamber Maxim Yurchenko gave a lecture on legal literacy for students in grades 8 and 9 of Secondary School No. 58 (State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Secondary School No. 58”). During a meeting with the children, Maxim Vladimirovich told them about international and Russian legal acts adopted to protect the rights of children. About what rights of children are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as about existing methods and forms of protecting children’s rights. The representative of the Sevastopol notary did not ignore the problem of child delinquency and spoke about ways to prevent such acts, — noted in the Notary Chamber of the city of Sevastopol. — School students demonstrated interest in extensive knowledge in the field of law. They not only listened carefully, but also actively asked questions. The children were interested in ways to protect property, as well as types of administrative offenses and crimes committed by minors. The time allotted for the meeting passed unnoticed and productively. At the end of the lesson, the schoolchildren thanked Maxim Vladimirovich for an interesting conversation.

A series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children has started at the Sevastopol notary office A series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children has started at the Sevastopol notary office A series of educational events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children has started at the Sevastopol notary office

source: Notary Chamber of the city of Sevastopol

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