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A smart person won't get ahead. Not a quiet weekend “CRIMEA-SPAS”

A smart person won't get ahead. Not a quiet weekend “CRIMEA-SPAS”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Let’s continue story about the “intensive” weekend of “CRIMEA-SPAS” specialists.

On June 1, at 15:48, the rescue service received information that a woman had been injured on the slope of Mount Chatyr-Dag. Rescuers’ assistance is required in evacuation. The duty shift of the Simferopol emergency rescue squad «CRIMEA-SPAS» and ambulance doctors went to the scene of the incident. Upon arrival, it turned out that the woman had tripped and twisted her ankle. Rescuers provided first aid to her by immobilizing the injured limb. The unlucky tourist was hospitalized.

Yesterday, at 16:15, the emergency department received a signal that two women were in a hard-to-reach area in the area of ​​Mount Uch-Kosh (not far from Yalta). They cannot continue moving on their own; the help of rescuers is required.

The duty shift of rescuers from the Yalta emergency rescue team «CRIMEA-SPAS» left for the search and rescue area. They quickly discovered the women who were on the southern slope of the Balan-Kaya ridge. As it turned out, the tourists decided to deviate from the route in order to shorten the path, as a result of which they ended up on a steep rocky slope. Rescuers, observing all safety measures, evacuated the women from the difficult-to-reach area. They did not need medical care— reported the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea.

A smart person won't get ahead. Not a quiet weekend “CRIMEA-SPAS”

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