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A special documentary project «The Great Patriotic War in the Chronicle of TASS» was presented at the Tavrida.ART Festival

A special documentary project «The Great Patriotic War in the Chronicle of TASS» was presented at the Tavrida.ART Festival

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On August 20, one of the landmark screenings of the Film and Media Festival at the Meganom Academy as part of the Tavrida.ART Festival of Young Art (a project of Rosmolodezh) was the documentary special project “The Great Patriotic War in the TASS Chronicle” directed by Natalia Metlina. The film is dedicated to the brave profession of a journalist during the Great Patriotic War.

The fourth day of the Film and Media Festival at the Festival of Young Art «Tavrida.ART» began with the documentary «The Great Patriotic War in the TASS Chronicle» directed by Natalia Metlina. The script for the film, released on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is based on archival photographs taken by front-line reporters of the agency. The uniqueness of the film is that it was created on the basis of archival photographs (more than 70 shots were used), video from family archives and newsreels, and their children and colleagues tell about the work of the agency’s military officers— noted in the press service of the art cluster «Tavrida.ART».

A special documentary project "The Great Patriotic War in the TASS chronicle" was presented at the Tavrida.ART Festival

The filmmakers spoke about the fate of journalists, their deaths at the fronts, work in besieged Leningrad and Stalingrad blazing in the crossfire, about how Russian schoolchildren today, piece by piece, thanks to front-line photographs, restore the life stories and exploits of Soviet soldiers.

What is the secret of the shots taken by Khaldei on the roof of the Reichstag during the hoisting of the Victory Banner? How and under what circumstances were the main moments of the war captured? Why were many photographs not published, the most frightening pictures were sent abroad, but they were not seen in our country? A film about all this, jointly shot by journalists from the Zvezda TV channel and the Russian News Agency TASS, is “The Great Patriotic War in the Chronicle of TASS”.

As part of the Film and Media Festival, the Tavrida.ART site presents pre-premiere screenings of Russian films, TV series, a large-scale regional film festival, where the works of Nikolai Rybnikov, Islam Satyrov, Mikhail Raskhodnikov were shown. Also launched a special program about Russian and Soviet films that everyone should see, and a joint program with the film studio «Soyuzmultfilm». The participants attended creative meetings with such directors as Anastasia Prikazchikova, Anna Artamonova, Danil Motin, and also got acquainted with professionals who create Russian films and series. Among other things, the audience was presented with documentary special projects of the Institute for the Development of the Internet (ANO «IRI»).

From August 17 to 21 in the Crimea, in the Kapsel Bay near Sudak, the fifth anniversary festival of young art «Tavrida.ART» (Rosmolodezh project) is being held. More than 3,500 artists, writers, musicians, actors, designers, directors, choreographers, event marketing and tourism industry specialists from 87 regions of the country gathered in the heart of the country’s youth and educational resort. Within the framework of the Festival, 5 different formats are presented: the festival of performing arts, cinema, music, the Art.Molodist fair, the Science as Art festival. In addition, the opening of the modern exhibition center «ART-EXPO» took place, and a large-scale art procession takes place in an updated quality, popular Russian artists perform on the main stage: SHAMAN, Vanya Dmitrienko, MIA BOYKA, RAMIL, Lesha Svik, ST, Anet Sai, Mitya Fomin and other performers and musical groups. The special guests of the Festival were Grigory Leps and Nikolai Rastorguev.

VK is a strategic partner of the Tavrida.ART Young Art Festival. In the VK pavilion, the guests of the Festival will be able to replenish their knowledge and competencies at educational and motivational lectures, master classes and interactive meetings with the participation of leading experts in the creative industries, bloggers, stars and VK ambassadors. The company also launched the Tavrida.ART mini-application on VKontakte, the Young Art Steps challenge in the VKontakte Steps mini-application, the Marusya, turn on inspiration from Tavrida project with the Marusya voice assistant, and other initiatives.

source: press service of the art cluster «Tavrida.ART»

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