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About 50 entrepreneurs of Sevastopol will register a trademark thanks to the My Business center

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Thanks to state support, 14 Sevastopol entrepreneurs have already registered trademarks. Another 32 small and medium-sized businesses are at the stage of obtaining a certificate. The service is provided free of charge within the framework of the national project «Small and Medium Enterprises», the entrepreneur needs to pay only the state fee. As a rule, entrepreneurs register their trademark if they intend to develop, work with marketplaces, sell a franchise, go for export. A promoted brand also increases the value of the business,” said Deputy Governor of Sevastopol Maria Litovko. Entrepreneur Polina Chernysh has registered a logo for a network of licensed centers that provide foreign language training for children and adults.

In the near future we plan to launch a franchise, for this it was necessary to register a trademark. I am also sure that it increases the level of customer confidence. For help, they turned to the My Business center in Sevastopol — they used its services more than once. The application was submitted last year, My Business undertook the obligation to organize an examination, register a trademark, received a certificate about a month ago— said Polina Chernysh.

For her business, Polina Chernysh chose the logo of the center, which consists of an image of an owl as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, as well as the initial letters of the Latin alphabet. In general, a trademark can be not only visual, but also combined, three-dimensional, sound.

The process of registering a trademark lasts from 6 to 12 months, the My Business center helps entrepreneurs reduce costs, as well as go through the entire registration stage. This is the selection of classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services, verification, preparation of an application for registration of a trademark, support of the procedure, interaction with Rospatent specialists — until obtaining a registration certificate— said the director of the center «My Business» Natalia Borisova.

A trademark is a distinctive product designation that allows the manufacturer to distinguish his brand in the market, and customers not to confuse it with others. State and generally accepted symbols, signs, names of international and intergovernmental organizations, designation elements of goods that have come into general use cannot be used as trademarks.

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