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Acceptance of applications for subsidies for industrial enterprises of Sevastopol starts

Acceptance of applications for subsidies for industrial enterprises of Sevastopol starts

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On Monday, June 24, applications for subsidies from industrial enterprises begin to be accepted. The subsidy is aimed at reimbursement of part of the costs associated with the purchase of new equipment.

Applications for state support will be accepted electronically on the special portal of the State Information System “Electronic Budget” for link.

You can submit your application from June 24 to July 26, 2024 inclusive.

The subsidy will be provided based on the results of a competitive selection in the amount of no more than 50% of the costs actually incurred by the recipient of the subsidy and in an amount not exceeding 6 million rubles per recipient of the subsidy. The total amount of funds provided is 28.3 million rubles.

The main task of state support for industrial production is to promote its development. This year, Sevastopol received a subsidy from the federal budget aimed at reimbursing part of the costs to industrial enterprises for the purchase of new equipment. Such support will allow local enterprises to increase labor productivity, increase production volume, and also find new markets.– the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the deputy governor of the city, Maria Litovko.

The implementation of the support measure is carried out within the framework of the regional project “Systemic measures for the development of industry in the city of Sevastopol.” You can find out more about support in the Government Decree on website.

For advice on the provision of subsidies, Sevastopol entrepreneurs can contact the city’s economic development department on weekdays from 09:30 to 16:30:

Find out more:  В Алуште строят многоквартирный жилой дом по программе обеспечения межнационального согласия

— by phone 42-64-69;

— by email mail:;

— at the address Heroev Stalingrad Ave., 64, 2nd floor, room. 26.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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