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Accident on the Tavrida highway: two trucks collided

Accident on the Tavrida highway: two trucks collided

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Yesterday, at 11:00, the Ministry of Emergency Situations received a report of an accident on the Tavrida highway. Two trucks collided near the turnoff to the village of Skalistoe. Employees of the Bakhchisaray emergency rescue squad «KRYM-SPAS», the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Ambulance Service quickly left for the scene.

Upon arrival at the scene of the accident, it turned out that there had been a collision between two trucks, a KamAZ and a Scania. As a result, the Scania driver was trapped between the vehicle’s structures. Rescuers used a hydraulic rescue tool to free the man and hand him over to medical workers.— the emergency department said.

Rescuers also carried out all necessary measures to ensure fire safety at the scene of the accident. The police are conducting an investigation into the accident. Preliminary, the cause of the «truck» accident is one of the drivers’ failure to keep a safe distance and speed limit.

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