According to the results of the first two months of the year, the revenues of the Crimean budget exceeded the expenditure part by 3 billion rubles
Krympress reports:
According to the results of the first two months of the year, the revenues of the Crimean budget exceeded the expenditure part by 3 billion rubles. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea — Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea Irina Kiviko.
Over the first two months of the current year, the consolidated budget of the republic was executed with a surplus of 3 billion rubles at income of 30.9 billion rubles and expenses of 27.9 billion rubles. Of the total income, tax and non-tax revenues amounted to 16.9 billion rubles, or 13.3%of the annual appointments, exceeding the appointments to January-February by more than 19%, and the indicator-2024-by almost 16%, or by 2.3 billion rubles, -quotes the press service Irina Kiviko.
The Deputy Prime Minister said that the largest share in the structure of tax and non-tax revenues of the republic was occupied by personal income tax, the receipts of which amounted to 5.6 billion rubles, or a third of the total volume of own income. Planned appointments for January-February are overfulfilled by 13.2%, annual purposes are 11.1%. Compared to last year’s indicator, the receipt increased by 591.3 million rubles, or almost 12%, due to the payment of dividends, an increase in the minimum wage, and also in connection with the provision of specified notifications.
Also, compared with the 2024 indicator, an increase in income tax revenues is observed: 244.5 million rubles, or by 11.1% (2.5 billion rubles were received, or 14.5% of the total volume of own income, cash regents for the period were exceeded by 3.3%); a tax charged in connection with the use of the simplified tax system: 51.8 million rubles, or 5.7 times (62.8 million rubles were received with excess of cash regulations for a period of 20%); Professional income tax: 22.2 million rubles, or 27.1% (104 million rubles, 9.7%, respectively); Property tax of individuals: 4.3 million rubles, or by 19.2% (27 million rubles, 27.4%); land tax: for 46.1 million rubles, or a third (180 million rubles, or 2 times); income from the use of property in state and municipal property: by 1.6 billion rubles, or 2.2 times (almost 3 billion rubles, by 10%); Revenues from the sale of material and intangible assets: by 696.8 million rubles, or by 71.6% (1.7 billion rubles, 82.1%).
Regarding the execution of the expenditure part of the budget, the chief financier of the Crimea said that in the percentage of the expenses for the reporting period, it was incurred at the expense of: 68.5% — republican (19.1 billion rubles), 17.2% — federal (4.8 billion rubles), 13.6% — municipal (3.8 billion rubles), 0.7% — the budget of the city of Moscow (0.2 billion rubles).
Most of the expenses, and this is 17.6 billion rubles, or about 63% of the total execution is aimed at financing the industries of the socio-cultural sphere (education, social policy, healthcare, culture and cinematography, physical culture and the media).
A significant part of the expenses is also aimed at the national economy of the republic (development of industries)-7.4 billion rubles, or 26.6% of the total amount of expenses, the sale of national issues-1.5 billion rubles, or 5.3% of the total amount of expenses (by 11.2%, or by 148.1 million rubles more than 2024), housing and communal services-1.2 billion rubles, or 4.1% of the rubles, or 4.1% total expenses).
The local budgets of the regions for the reporting year received 6.2 billion rubles. inter -budget transfers from the republic’s budget, which amounted to more than 22% of the total execution of the consolidated budget of the republic, with an increase to the indicator of last year by 554.3 million rubles, or almost 10%.
Details with analytics in January 2025 you can find in slides below.
Source: press service of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Crimea
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