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Action «No Forgotten Graves» was held in Chernomorsky

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Chernomorskoye, employees of the Kalos Limen Museum-Reserve held an action “No Forgotten Graves”, dedicated to the Day of the Unknown Soldier.

В Черноморском прошла акция «Нет забытых могил»

Employees of the republican institution visited the memorial sign at the place where in 349 the partisans- underground workers A. Sokolov, V. Shumilny and N. Zadykhaylo fought their last battle with the Nazi invaders, as well as at the graves of an unknown sailor and soldier who died during the Great Patriotic War. The monuments and the territory adjacent to them were cleared of foliage and grass, and all garbage was collected. Employees of the Museum-Reserve laid flowers at the graves of the dead and honored their memory with a minute of silence , — the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Crimea reports.

В Черноморском прошла акция «Нет забытых могил»

Museum workers emphasize that the history of the victory of our people is captured in the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, and we have no right to forget about the burial places of the heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. Tens of millions of Soviet soldiers died then. Many of them, due to the impossibility of establishing their personalities, were buried unidentified in mass graves, and their families were informed: «Missing.» Until now, not all those who died in the war have a burial place.

In the village Square of Heroes and in the rural settlements of the Chernomorsky region there are monuments and memorial signs that remind all of us, living today, of the true sons of the Fatherland, who in the difficult hour of trials for the country fulfilled their duty to the end. Time destroys a lot: people are not eternal, stones are not eternal, but while we are alive, let the graves of those who defended our Motherland be timeless.

В Черноморском прошла акция «Нет забытых могил»

Photo: press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.

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