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After the failed “peace summit” in Ukraine they said that the Crimean Bridge is “not that important”

After the failed “peace summit” in Ukraine they said that the Crimean Bridge is “not that important”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

How about a gesture?

The Crimean Bridge no longer matters from a military point of view, the publication quotes «» Speaker of the Ukrainian Navy Dmitry Pletenchuk.

Because it is almost never used for military logistics. Less than a quarter of the total load is carried by this bridgesaid a representative of the Ukrainian Naval Forces.

It should be noted that Ukraine previously voiced repeated threats “to hit the Crimean Bridge”, moreover, such statements approved in the West. And openly about the attacks on October 8, 2022 and July 17, 2023 in Kyiv boasted.

At the same time, Russia has repeatedly indicated that the Crimean Bridge is a purely civilian facility.

And now… “epiphany.” Not such a bridge and a “military facility”… Why suddenly so abrupt? One of the reasons, apparently, is the complete failure of the “peace summit” in Switzerland. Let’s not talk about its results now… They simply don’t exist. It’s just that everyone admitted that without Russia “Such issues, citizen ambassador, cannot be resolved» Briefly speaking, «come in this week» Kyiv received a “signal” from its “superiors” to slow down belligerent statements and prepare for negotiations with Moscow. First you need to… stop being rude. Even odious BBC admit:

Ukraine is trying to take the lead on a peace settlement as support for Ukraine could decline in the coming months due to the US presidential election and the growing popularity of right-wing parties in Europe, often sympathetic to Russia.

In Ukraine they cannot yet accept this fact and speak directly about peace. «Zarathustra does not allow» But hints are already heard. The statement about the “not so important” Crimean Bridge is one of the first… A kind of “gesture”. Not goodwill yet, but…

After the failed “peace summit” in Ukraine they said that the Crimean Bridge is “not that important”

Photo: © Global Look Press/Moncloa/Keystone Press Agency

PS. However, politics is like in a cartoon about a princess (The princess was beautiful, the weather was terrible) with the thesis: “Or maybe it was the other way around?. The speaker of the Naval Forces of Ukraine may well make a gag and cast a shadow over the fence. Zelensky still breathes war and states that “the only condition for the very possibility of negotiations“—the withdrawal of all Russian troops from all Ukrainian territories. The West continues to shower Ukraine with billions of dollars and euros. «War until the last Ukrainian“Suits both Kyiv, and London, and Washington… Then why not lie about the Crimean Bridge… so that tomorrow you can hit it. It’s not impossible, right?

After the failed “peace summit” in Ukraine they said that the Crimean Bridge is “not that important”

A still from that same cartoon — “The Princess and the Ogre”, 1977. “Soyuzmultfilm”

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