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Aksyonov is confident: SNT and cooperative subscribers need to be transferred to individual payments with Krymenergo

Aksyonov is confident: SNT and cooperative subscribers need to be transferred to individual payments with Krymenergo

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, held meetings on optimization of the activities of enterprises and organizations in the region.

At a meeting at the Investstroy Republic of Crimea State Public Institution, the progress of construction and reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants, major overhauls of medical institutions and the construction of new ambulance substations in municipalities were discussed. Sergei Aksyonov specifically emphasized the need to conclude contracts with contractors for the construction of new facilities before February 1 of this year. The Head of the Republic called for reducing the time required for the examination of project documentation and engineering survey results, so as not to delay the start of work directly at the sites.

Particular attention was paid to the reconstruction of the embankment in the village of Koktebel, which is planned to be completed by June 2025.

The calculations show that it is not possible to finish earlier. Therefore, the leadership of the municipal administration needs to work out in advance with local entrepreneurs possible inconveniences and risks this season. In turn, the contractor’s work must be carried out in compliance with the technological cycle and regulations, strictly on schedule, without failuressaid the Head of Crimea.

In addition, Sergey Aksyonov noted the importance of timely completion of the construction of eco-technoparks in the Belogorsky and Saki districts, as well as a water treatment plant in the city of Krasnoperekopsk. The Head of the Republic instructed to redistribute the volumes and adjust the work schedules at these facilities in order to have time to put them into operation as planned.

During the meeting at the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Krymenergo», among other things, the fulfillment of the enterprise’s obligations to citizens regarding technological connections to power grids was discussed.

Within a week, it is necessary to draw up a plan on how to reorganize the work on technical connections in order to increase the target figure and reach 500 connections per week— instructed the Head of Crimea.

In his opinion, by resolving the issue of all expired contracts, the enterprise will have sufficient funds for current needs.

At the same time, as Sergey Aksyonov emphasized, the process of accepting applications for new technical connections should be brought to automation.

To do this, it is necessary to improve the work of the personal account on the company’s website and the telephone hotline. Not a single process should be allowed to cause a loss to Krymenergo.— said the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

Then Sergei Aksyonov focused on the need to work with gardening partnerships and cooperatives to transfer consumers to direct, individual payments with Krymenergo.

Money for electricity consumption should go to the enterprise, and not into the pocket of the chairman or head of the local distribution zone. This is, first of all, in the interests of the citizens themselves.,” explained the Head of Crimea.

Sergei Aksyonov added that if the chairmen of SNT and cooperatives refuse to cooperate with Krymenergo, a prosecutor’s audit of the calculations and a technical examination of the equipment will be initiated.

Aksyonov is confident: SNT and cooperative subscribers need to be transferred to individual payments with Krymenergo

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