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Alexey Kuznetsov (Kara): “I am a Crimean. And I am KARAIM»

Alexey Kuznetsov (Kara): “I am a Crimean. And I am KARAIM»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimea is first of all people. Those who literally create the peninsula provide its life support by working in various fields of activity. The KrymPRESS information platform is launching a project about the people thanks to whom the Crimean peninsula lives and develops, moves forward and preserves the memory of its past for the benefit of the future.

An excerpt from an interview with the founder company Vash FinDiR Kuznetsov Alexey Viktorovich:

Alexey Viktorovich please tell us about yourself:

Born in Omsk, he received his university education in St. Petersburg and served in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 20 years. He retired with the rank of major, was deputy head of the fire department. Awarded with state and departmental awards.

And how did you get to Crimea?

After the service, my wife and I decided to go into business and created company Vash Findirproviding financial consulting services. Of course, I am not a professional economist and my tasks are to ensure the life of the company, but my wife is a former financial director from NPO Mostovik (21,000 employees), a candidate of economic sciences. The company currently has seven branches, including a branch in the city of Simferopol opened in 2017. Actually, the work brought us to the Crimea, well, the standard desire of Siberians to be closer to the heat and the sea.

Alexey Viktorovich, I know that you have Crimean roots, is that so?

My grandfather Karavaev (Kara) Ivan Pavlovich is Karaim. lived in Sevastopol on Karantinnaya street, opposite Chersonese, next to the old Karaite cemetery. During the Great Patriotic War, he was the defender of Sevastopol, seriously wounded (until the end of his life he wore a fragment in his neck, the size of a chicken egg), was captured, was in the camp. After the liberation of Sevastopol from the fascist invaders, he found himself first in northern Kazakhstan, and then in Siberia, in the city of Omsk. In Omsk I met my grandmother. My grandmother is also Crimean. Their family owned an inn near Simferopol, after the revolution they ended up in northern Kazakhstan, and then moved to Omsk (this is nearby).

There they met their grandfather. There were five children in the family, including my mother.

My grandfather also left a family in Sevastopol, three children. Unfortunately, we didn’t communicate.

Grandfather rarely talked about Crimea, and when he did, he always cried. Grandfather was a Karaite and was very proud of it, although he did not advertise it. The real name of his family is Kara. Grandfather died in Omsk, 36 years ago, never returning to the Crimea.

Having lived in Omsk until the age of 45, he never thought about his nationality. We are all Russians from the USSR. Living in the Crimea for six years, I began to look for my roots, I found grains, almost nothing. Everyone says that I am a copy of my grandfather, very similar. Grandfather asked my parents to call me Elisha, but they refused, because in Omsk this name would stand out too much, they called me Alyosha. Although at home as a child they called me that.

How do you live in the Crimea and how did the Simferopol Karaites receive you?

Nowhere did I feel so comfortable and good as in the Crimea, although I traveled … My fellow tribesmen received me very well and friendly. They tell, show and teach, because I am still quite a “young” Karaim)))

So who do you consider yourself a Siberian or a Crimean?

I consider Crimea the homeland of my ancestors and mine. The first Grandfather is Karaim, the second is Russian, Grandmothers are Ukrainian, and I ….

And I am first of all a Crimean who sincerely loves the homeland of his ancestors — Crimea and secondarily KARAIM, although this may be wrong by blood, but it feels exactly like that.

Alexey Kuznetsov (Kara): "I am a chanin. And I am KARAIM"

The founder of the company Vash FinDir Kuznetsov A.V.

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