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All-Russian festival of media teams «Mayak» united over 50 cities of Russia

All-Russian festival of media teams «Mayak» united over 50 cities of Russia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

6 months of preparation, more than 1000 participants, 58 settlements, 18 competition tasks, 5 experts — and this is only part of the figures for the All-Russian Festival of Media Teams «Mayak», which was held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The final of the festival took place in Sevastopol from October 2 to 6. At the final event of the project, 16 finalists from different parts of the country worked on competitive tasks in three categories: “Video”, “Photo”, “Design”. The All-Russian festival of media teams “Mayak” started on June 15 and during its entire period covered 58 settlements in Russia. At the qualifying stage, the winners in the age category of 10-12 years were known, as well as the finalists of the older age group, who arrived in Sevastopol in October. During the finals, the participants were divided into four teams. The guys listened to lectures by experts, went on excursions, filmed on location and created content dedicated to the city by the sea. The finalists had to represent Sevastopol in photo postcards, merch designs and promotional videos.

All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams All-Russian festival of media teams

At the end of the festival, all teams united into one to create the final product: a common video about Sevastopol, a selection of the best photographs and a thematic sticker pack. Summing up the results, awarding the winners and a big celebration for the finalists took place on October 6 at the Tsarskaya Pristan business center.

Winners of the final of the All-Russian festival of media teams “Mayak”:

  • Nomination «Design»: Veronica Linnik, Sevastopol
  • Nomination «Photo»: Alexandra Akinina, Voronezh
  • Nomination «Operator»: Aksinya Shurygina, Chelyabinsk
  • Nomination «Editor»: Evgeniy Prudnikov, Sevastopol

Each finalist received a diploma and an improvised “cup” — a soft toy in the shape of a seagull, the symbol of the festival. In addition, a bright celebration was organized for the children so that the finale of the festival would be remembered for a long time.

Find out more:  «КРЫМ-СПАС» готовится к осенне-зимнему периоду

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