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All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol

All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 18, All-Russian Sambo Day was celebrated at the sports and recreation complex on Shevchenko Street.

In 2023, this sport, developed by Russian coaches and instructors, celebrates its anniversary: ​​85 years ago, in 1938, it received official status from the USSR Sports Committee. Today, sambo is one of the most popular sports in Russia and serves to preserve the health of children and create a culture of a healthy lifestyle. Sambo is not just a sport, it is part of our culture, a system for educating the best qualities of a person, educating a true citizen of his country.

Sambo became the third physical education lesson in eight schools in Sevastopol, which means it is one of the components of educational work, because there is not only a sports component, but also a serious ideological part that necessarily accompanies sports, especially martial arts. Sambo is an exclusively national form of wrestling, based on the glorious military traditions of our army, traditions of duty, honor, and loyalty to the Fatherland.– the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the head of the sports department Sergei Reznichenko.

More than 150 boys and girls born in 2011-2012 in different weight categories took part in the competition.

All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol All-Russian Sambo Day took place in Sevastopol

Now, the press service of the Government of Sevastopol notes, special attention is being paid to sambo: the federal project of the United Russia party “Za sambo” is being implemented. The main goal of the project is to attract Sevastopol residents to a healthy lifestyle, create comfortable conditions for playing sports, and make it accessible.

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As part of this project, a “House of Sambo” was opened on Gavena Street – now about 100 boys and girls train there. There is a full-fledged sambo department in Sevastopol: it operates on the basis of the Olympic Reserve Sports School No. 2, more than 200 athletes study there. The city also launched the “Sambo to School” project: four educational institutions teach children self-defense.

The event was implemented within the framework of the regional project “Sport is the norm of life” of the national project “Demography”.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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