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Almost 48 thousand Sevastopol residents chose the electronic format of the work book

Almost 48 thousand Sevastopol residents chose the electronic format of the work book

CrimeaPRESS reports:

47,761 city residents switched to electronic work books (ETK). One of the main advantages of ETC is constant and convenient access to information. In this case, there is no need to contact the employer and expect to receive information within several days.

The advantages of generating information about labor activity in electronic form are as follows:

  • erroneous, inaccurate and unreliable information about work activities is significantly reduced;
  • there is the possibility of remote employment;
  • pensions are issued remotely according to personal account data without additional documentary confirmation;
  • electronic work record data is used to obtain government services;
  • employers’ costs for purchasing, maintaining and storing paper work books, etc. are reduced.

The electronic work book saves almost the entire list of information that is taken into account in the paper work book: place of work, periods of work, position (specialty, profession), qualifications (rank, class, category, skill level), dates of admission, dismissal, transfer to another job , grounds for termination of an employment contract.

Information from the electronic book can be obtained in your personal account on the State Services portal. If necessary, you can request a paper statement with a signature and seal from the client services of the Financial Markets Service and the MFC. Both documents are legally equivalent and can be submitted equally to any organization.

For those who got a job for the first time in 2021, their work records will be kept immediately in electronic form. The rest of the employees can continue to keep a paper work book or switch to an electronic one. This can be done at any time.

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