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Almost 70 unauthorized structures were demolished in Yalta. And only in a month

Almost 70 unauthorized structures were demolished in Yalta. And only in a month

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the head of the Yalta administration, Yanina Pavlenko, in February, work on dismantling illegal structures continued actively on the territory of the municipality. About 70 were demolished — among them — 200 meters of fences and barriers, 33 traffic limiters, 2 non-stationary retail facilities, 3 garages and other visual rubbish.

We are not slowing down — now the dismantling team is actively working to clean up the territory on Sechenov, which we are preparing for improvement as part of the “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” project. Here the volumes turned out to be more impressive than they seemed at first glance. I remind you that we give owners the opportunity to independently vacate municipal land. I beg you to do this,” the press service quotes Yanina Pavlenko.

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