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Ambrosia wormwood attacks — the Southern Interregional Directorate of Rosselkhoznadzor warns

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Ambrosia sagebrush — one of the most malicious and widespread quarantine objects, included in the Unified List of Quarantine Objects of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 30, 2016 No. 158.

This quarantine object causes great damage to the environment and agriculture. It strongly inhibits cultivated plants, consumes a lot of water, which leads to the drying up of the soil. Ragweed sharply reduces soil fertility, removing large amounts of plant mineral nutrients from it, shades cultivated plants from sunlight, which leads to a sharp decrease, or even complete loss of yield.

Ambrosia wormwood is the worst enemy of human health. This plant releases the poison of essential oils, which cause severe headaches and blood pressure jumps. Ambrosia pollen is the strongest allergen, it is carried with the wind for tens of kilometers, rising to a height of 5000 meters. During the flowering of ragweed, people experience outbreaks of bronchial asthma, dermatitis, as well as a massive allergic disease — ragweed hay fever.

Artemisia ragweed must be dealt with before it begins to bloom, taking into account the biological characteristics of this weed. The most effective method of struggle at present is to remove it from the root. Mowing, as a method of dealing with ragweed, is ineffective, since it grows, while giving from 5 to 15 new shoots, however, if this technique is carried out repeatedly and systematically, it is possible to prevent flowering and fruiting of ragweed.

On crops of agricultural crops, agrotechnical control measures are crucial for the elimination of ragweed. They include the correct alternation of crops in crop rotation, tillage, care of crops. Here it is important to timely apply the whole range of agrotechnical measures in combination with chemical control measures, and, if necessary, manual weeding.

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Heads of enterprises, organizations, the entire population should destroy ambrosia on their own and leased lands. It must be understood that the widespread and effective control of the quarantine weed helps to restore the fertility of agricultural land and reduce the number of allergic diseases in people. Therefore, the main thing now is to prevent its mass flowering and seed ripening and destroy it in a timely manner.

At the same time, in case of revealing the facts of not taking measures to combat ragweed, you can send an appeal in accordance with the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-ФЗ “On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation” in electronic form by sending applications through the electronic reception of the Southern Department of Rosselkhoznadzor, or to the e-mail address in the order of electronic document management, or submit it personally. If you have any questions, please call: 8 (861) 222-00-28.

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