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An employee of the Crimean technical supervision service was caught taking a large bribe

An employee of the Crimean technical supervision service was caught taking a large bribe

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Main Investigation Department of the RF IC for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol completed the investigation of the criminal case against an engineer of the construction control department for capital construction projects of Technical Supervision Service JSC, accused of receiving a bribe on a large scale (clause “c” of part 5 of article 290 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It was established that the defendant offered the managers of Barelef Stroy LLC, for a bribe, to speed up the process of signing certificates of work performed by them, which served as the basis for transferring funds from the customer, and not to check the actual volume of work performed. The engineer indicated that the announced amount should be transferred in parts to the bank cards of his daughter and cohabitant— reported the Investigative Committee.

As a result, from May 2022 to April 2023, the official received a bribe for actions included in his official duties, totaling over 680 thousand rubles, which is a large amount.

The engineer’s illegal activities were stopped by operational officers of the Department for Economic Security and Combating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea. On October 11, 2023, he was detained during special events.

The investigator of the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases carried out the entire range of necessary investigative actions and examinations. The defendant in the criminal case admits his guilt in full.

The criminal investigation has now been completed. The materials were sent to the prosecutor’s office for the purpose of studying, approving the indictment and sending the case to court for consideration on the merits.

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