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And life goes on … Yalta is in the top of popular cities for women's tourism on a holiday weekend in March

CrimeaPRESS reports:, a booking site for International Women’s Day, has determined where women will travel over the holiday weekend.

More than 17% of women travel in March with their spouse or loved one. More 13% of ladies have a rest in the company of girlfriends, 12, 5% — with children. And there were % of single women traveling in early March. Women most often book hotel rooms — 49% and apartments in the private sector — 39%. Ten percent of homes are rented by companies and families. Travelers spend more than 17 thousand rubles on housing, the press service notes service.

Yalta is the most popular holiday destination for women on March 8 — 13% of the fair sex will spend four holidays on Crimean resort. Another 13% of travelers go to Sochi. In third place in popularity for women’s tourism is St. Petersburg — 13%. The top ten cities for women’s tourism were also: Sheregesh (%), Pyatigorsk (%), Suzdal (8%), Kazan (7%), Novosibirsk (6%), Petrozavodsk (5%), Tula (4%).

According to statistics, women book vacations in March from 1 to 7 nights and spend on housing from 1.1 to , 3 thousand rubles per day. It is cheaper for women to book apartments in Pyatigorsk for the March “weekend” than a cottage in Suzdal.

The list is based on women’s accommodation booking data from March 5 to March 8 1083

Ten popular cities for women’s tourism in March:

  1. Yalta — 3562 ₽ / 6 nights *
  2. Sochi — 1915 ₽ / 7 nights
  3. Saint-Petersburg — 1915 ₽ / 5 nights
  4. Sheregesh — 8442 ₽ / 5 nights
  5. Pyatigorsk — 1083 ₽ / 7 nights

Suzdal – 13300 ₽ / 2 nights

Kazan — 49 ₽ / 3 nights

Novosibirsk — 49 ₽ / 4 nights

  • Petrozavodsk — 8000 ₽ / 1 night
    1. Tula — 1915 ₽ / 1 night

    Average daily rent/average vacation

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