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And this is not Olivier… The doctor listed dishes from the “blue zones” for the New Year’s table

And this is not Olivier… The doctor listed dishes from the “blue zones” for the New Year’s table

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Head of the Clinic of Dietetics and Nutritional Support, Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova, endocrinologist, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Ivannikova listed recipes for longevity for the New Year’s menu.

One of the important principles of nutrition for centenarians living in the so-called “blue zones” is the consumption of large amounts of plant foods.

“Blue Zones” are places on the planet with the longest life expectancy and the largest number of centenarians. Blue zones are recognized as the island of Okinawa (Japan), the island of Sardinia (Italy), the City of Loma Linda (California, USA), the island of Ikaria (Greece), the Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica).

Doctor Ekaterina Ivannikova offered options for unusual dishes with the addition of vegetables and herbs according to the “blue zones” recipe, whichAnd this is not Olivier... The doctor listed dishes from the “blue zones” for the New Year’s table suitable for the New Year’s table.

Roasted beet hummus

It can be served with assorted vegetables or a piece of bread. Beets contain antioxidants and other geroprotectors that have anti-inflammatory properties. Consumption of beets helps protect the vascular wall, promotes the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain through the bloodstream, heart and muscles.

Kale Salad with Stewed Apples

Kale is an excellent source of bioavailable calcium. Calcium from this plant is absorbed 25% better than milk. Bioavailable calcium is a form of calcium that is easily absorbed by our bodies.

Cilantro and walnut pesto sauce

Serve this fresh nut butter with warm, freshly baked bread. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, which are very beneficial for brain function. The substances contained in walnuts reduce the inflammatory burden on the body, support heart health, prevent cancer, fight diabetes, improve cognitive function and promote good sleep. However, you need to remember that moderation is necessary in everything, and the portion should be small.

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Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Pumpkin with Dried Cranberries and Dijon Sauce

Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamins C and A, as well as glucosinolates. These substances, in addition to giving the product a tart taste, are involved in the formation of the body’s conditional “protective shield” from inflammatory processes, which underlie both premature aging and age-associated diseases.

Vegetarian lasagne

Lasagna is a great holiday main dish that can be prepared ahead of time. Adding mushrooms to this classic dish stimulates the immune system and provides an antitumor effect. However, it is important to remember that there should be a small amount of mushrooms, and it is better for people with chronic pancreatitis to avoid them.

Vegetable Wellington

Warm vegetable Wellington is a good replacement for any main dish on the holiday table. This dish contains nutrient-rich vegetables that are so beloved by residents of the Blue Zones. Spinach helps increase hemoglobin levels, removes toxins, reduces inflammation, and supports the health of the nervous system. But be careful with it if you have gout or urolithiasis.

Ginger cookie

Okinawans often add ginger to various dishes. Ginger is capable fight cancer cells, reduce inflammation and reduce stress, making it an ingredient worthy of any holiday treat. Fresh ginger should be consumed in small quantities, and people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis should avoid it. Flax seeds rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Full recipes can be found on the website about healthy longevity “Age Online” at the link —

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