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And tumors can be rare: a complex operation was performed in Crimea

And tumors can be rare: a complex operation was performed in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Thoracic surgeons of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Crimea «Crimean Republican Clinical Center of Phthisiology and Pulmonology» successfully operated on a patient with a rare type of tumor — mediastinal schwannoma. This is a benign neoplasm of the chest wall, arising from the sheaths of nerve roots. This type of neurogenic tumor in Crimea occurs, on average, in 2-3 patients per year.

Thus, a 43-year-old patient was admitted to the pulmonary surgery department of the center for planned surgical treatment. The man had been bothered by pain in the left half of the chest for a long time. According to multispiral computed tomography, a nodular formation measuring 89×69 mm was detected in the left pleural cavity, with fairly clear, smooth contours of a homogeneous structure. A decision was made to treat it surgically, followed by a pathohistological conclusion. The operation was performed by thoracic surgeons Dilyaver Karakash and Ruslan Karimov. The specialists removed a fairly large neoplasm as a single unit, separated it from the transverse processes of the vertebrae and surrounding soft tissues. The surgical intervention was successful, and the histological examination confirmed the established diagnosis — mediastinal schwannoma.— the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea reported.

And tumors can be rare: a complex operation was performed in Crimea

The postoperative period passed without complications, chest X-ray showed the lungs were straightened, sinuses were free, there were no pathological breast formations. The patient was discharged on the tenth day. Thus, the treatment performed improved the patient’s quality of life and prevented the development of serious complications.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea reminds that annual preventive medical examination or medical check-up allows early detection of deviations in health, including various neoplasms. Treatment started at the first stages of the disease is most effective.

source: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea

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