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Another domestic “drunken” murder in Crimea. What did the court decide?

Another domestic “drunken” murder in Crimea. What did the court decide?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Do judges feel sorry for female killers?

In Crimea, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Yevpatoria supported the state prosecution in a criminal case against a local resident. She was found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder).

The court found that the convict, while intoxicated, stabbed a man she knew in the neck with a kitchen knife during an argument. The man died as a result of his injuries. The convict admitted her guilt in full,” the prosecutor’s office provided details.

The court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the woman to 6 years in prison. The convicted person will serve her sentence in a general regime correctional colony. The verdict did not enter into legal force.

Let us note that this is not the first (and obviously not the last) relatively lenient sentence for a female killer in Crimea. From the recent — literally carbon copy – in the Krasnogvardeisky district, during a drunken quarrel, a woman stabbed her “ex-boyfriend”. According to Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation received the same 6 years in a general regime colony. Let us remind you that under this article the range of punishment is “from 6 to 15 years of imprisonment.” What can I say, the judges openly feel sorry for the Crimean women, assigning punishment according to the minimum “bar”. Are we needlessly sinning due to “gender circumstances”? Hmm, also from recent — a Kerchan man (also “in a drunken shop”, in a quarrel) hit his wife with a knife. As he claims, “I didn’t want to kill,” but… he killed. Sentence: 10 years in a maximum security colony.

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And what’s annoying in these stories is not even the topic of punishment for men or women, but the fact that more and more similar domestic “drunken” murders are happening in Crimea. People live together for years, decades, accumulate grievances, anger, hatred (“towards the other half”, dear), and then bam. We drank and had a fight over a knife… However, the trend…

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