Another theft from an ATM. This time — in Yalta. The story ended standardly — criminal
Krympress reports:
A 43-year-old local resident appealed to the police of Yalta with a statement about the theft. The victim said that he was performing an operation at one of the ATMs, trying to transfer funds in the amount of 6,000 rubles through the bill receiver. At the end of the process, all the money was accepted, but later the victim noticed that the amount of the card did not have the indicated amount and the operation was not properly carried out. Returning to the ATM did not find money in it.
Police officers conducted a number of operational-search measures, as a result of which they went on the sign of the suspect and detained it. The police found out that the victim was assigned to the victim by a local resident who was behind him in line to the ATM. The woman found the money left in the tray of the bill and took it. The suspect confessed to the deed. The money received illegally, the attacker spent on personal needs,-the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Crimea said.
The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Yalta opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft). The sanction of the article provides for the maximum punishment up to five years in prison.
The attacker was chosen a preventive measure in the form of a non -departure subscription.
Police officers remind: if you find money at the ATM, look around and call the person who has just moved away from the device, tell me that he forgot his money.
If there is no one nearby and you have not seen who exactly moved away from the ATM, then call an employee of the financial organization, or just do not approach an ATM and wait for him to take the money back.
Many believe that the discovery of a stranger is a find that can be taken to yourself. And this will not entail any legal consequences. However, this is a delusion, and often it leads to criminal liability and criminal record, and sometimes ends with imprisonment.
Source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea
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