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Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

CrimeaPRESS reports:

There are questions about rural clubs, playgrounds, repairs and maintenance of apartment buildings…

The Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, visited rural settlements of the Simferopol region on a working trip, assessed the quality of sanitary cleaning and the level of maintenance of highways.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

The first point of inspection was the Zhivopisnoye residential area. Sergei Aksyonov noted that the collection and removal of MSW here is organized at a low level; the accumulated garbage has not been removed for a long time. In this regard, and taking into account the results of previous visits to the Simferopol region, a decision was made to reprimand the deputy head of the municipal administration responsible for housing and communal services.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

In addition, the head of the Simferopol district administration, Denis Kratyuk, announced the dismissal of the head of the administration of the Mirnovsky rural settlement, Natalia Lapshina. The decision was made by her based on the results of Sergei Aksenov’s field work in mid-April. Denis Kratyuk added that issues related to the organization of cleaning in the settlement will be resolved in the near future.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

During the inspection of Zhivopisny, the Head of the Republic instructed to study the issue of the possibility of including the territories of the massifs within the boundaries of settlements or the potential creation of separate administrative units. According to Sergei Aksenov, this will make it possible to more effectively resolve improvement issues.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

The Head of Crimea traditionally paid special attention to the issue of road maintenance. Thus, Sergey Aksyonov informed that the schedule for grading dirt roads in gardening partnerships and cooperatives of the Simferopol region will be agreed upon and published in early May.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

At the same time, the Head of the Republic criticized the condition of the road running from the Aquatics Palace towards the Davydovka residential area. The area has subsided, but work covered by warranty repairs is not carried out. Sergei Aksyonov demanded that the situation be corrected as soon as possible. It was decided to reprimand the head of the State Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Road Service of the Republic of Crimea” Maxim Tarasov for improper performance of official duties in organizing road maintenance.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

Next, the Head of Crimea visited Davydovka. The grading of roads in the area is planned to be completed in the first half of the year. Also, by May 1, it was instructed to submit a plan for repairing the existing asphalt surface. Separately, Denis Kratyuk reported that the movement of freight transport in the industrial zone of the settlement and its work at night had been stopped. Previously, residents complained about incessant noise from the industrial zone.

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Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

Then Sergey Aksyonov assessed the road network of the urban-type settlement of Molodeznoye and gave instructions to find a solution for repairing the road surface of the settlement. The planned grading work must be completed by July 1, while the existing asphalt surface must be put in order based on the available technical capabilities. In addition, the Head of Crimea set the task of tidying up the courtyard passages and areas of apartment buildings in the village.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

At the Youth House of Culture, Sergei Aksyonov talked with the leadership of the rural settlement and the institution itself. Options will be explored to provide the recreation center with the necessary equipment, including a convector for heating the premises in the cold season.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

The Head of the Republic also visited the Solnechno rural club, where he pointed out the need to make calculations to determine the feasibility of repairing the institution’s building or installing a new module.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

In the village of Urozhain, Sergei Aksenov met with local residents and the leadership of the Urozhain rural settlement. Problematic issues related to roof repairs and lighting in the entrances of apartment buildings will be resolved in the near future.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

In addition, Sergei Aksyonov instructed the district administration, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea, to work on the issue of expanding the parking area at the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Republic of Crimea “Republican Clinical Hospital named after. ON THE. Semashko.»

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

The Head of Crimea also noted that when installing new playgrounds, the old ones, which become unusable, are not maintained. The administration’s management is tasked with either dismantling unsafe facilities or maintaining them in proper order.

Another working trip of the Head of Crimea to the villages of the Simferopol region: mountains of garbage and broken roads

Photos and materials: information department and press service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

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