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Another Yalta WWII veteran will be able to improve his housing conditions

Another Yalta WWII veteran will be able to improve his housing conditions

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Yalta leaders signed a tripartite agreement for the purchase and sale of an apartment for veteran Farzaniya Alutovna Davleeva.

Together with the Head of the municipal formation of the Yalta urban district — the Chairman of the Yalta City Council Konstantin Valentinovich Shimanovsky, we carried out a particularly important mission — we signed a tripartite contract for the purchase and sale of an apartment for veteran Farzaniya Alutovna Davleeva— said the head of the Yalta administration, Yanina Pavlenko.

This became possible thanks to the Decree of the President of Russia “On providing housing to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.”

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