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Applications for the All-Russian competition “My Good Business” are accepted. Sevastopol residents are invited to participate

Applications for the All-Russian competition “My Good Business” are accepted. Sevastopol residents are invited to participate

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation announced the acceptance of applications for the All-Russian competition “My Good Business”. The competition is aimed at identifying the best practices of social entrepreneurship among small and medium-sized businesses and NGOs, supporting ideas and developing the area of ​​corporate social responsibility. In total, during the competition, specialists reviewed more than 2.5 thousand applications from 79 regions, 567 projects became winners.

The number of social enterprises on the register has reached ten thousand, which is 30% more than a year earlier and three times more than three years ago. Encouraging best practices in social entrepreneurship contributes to the development of the sector, which is why we have been running the “My Good Business” competition for eight years now. For us, this is an opportunity to find new worthy projects and analyze not only the quantitative indicators of the sector, but also the qualitative ones. Every year we accept more and more applications. I’m sure this competition will be no exception.— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Tatyana Ilyushnikova.

Social entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations can take part in the competition. Applications can be submitted to website and in the “My Business” centers, where special competencies for the development of social entrepreneurship have been formed. In June of this year, an organization from Sevastopol was recognized as the only winner from the Southern Federal District in the “My Good Business” competition. The Sevastopol project “Eco-Club” took an honorable third place in the category “Best social project in the field of development of urban and rural areas.”

The All-Russian competition “My Good Business” has been held since 2015. The winners of this year’s competition were 36 projects in 12 categories. The main goal of the competition is to promote social business, its growth and development. Thanks to this project, the attention of government authorities and the media is drawn to the activities of social entrepreneurship entities. The best regional practices for promoting projects are being identified, the results of which contribute to solving social problems. The holding of such events clearly demonstrates the increasing prestige of social entrepreneurship in our time,” emphasizes Deputy Governor of Sevastopol Maria Litovko.

The competition is held in eight categories:

  • The best project in the field of support and rehabilitation of people with disabilities;
  • The best project in the field of social services;
  • The best project in the field of additional education and upbringing of children;
  • The best project in the cultural and educational sphere;
  • The best project in the field of healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports;
  • The best project in the field of social tourism;
  • The best project in the field of development of technical means of rehabilitation and IT technologies aimed at solving social problems of society;
  • The best project in the field of employment and socially active activities of persons in need of social support.
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There are also special nominations:

  • Social project without borders from JSC Russian Export Center;
  • The best social project of the year in the field of preservation and development of folk art crafts from the association “Folk Art Crafts of Russia”.

The number of social entrepreneurs is growing in Sevastopol — about 30 SMEs who work in the fields of healthcare, education, physical culture and sports, leisure have received special status, while contributing to solving social problems. At the “My Business” center, they can count on various assistance — microloans, consultations, receiving various free services, including brand promotion, and participation in educational events. Let me also remind you that social entrepreneurs can count on receiving additional government support in the form of grants of up to 500 thousand. Another opportunity to celebrate their work and responsibility is the holding of the “My Good Business” competition,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Natalia Borisova, director of the “My Business” center of Sevastopol.

The competition will be held in four stages:

  • until October 15—acceptance of applications for the regional stage of the competition;
  • until December 20 — holding the regional stage;
  • from January 10 to April 1, 2024 — holding the interregional stage;
  • from April 1 to May 31, 2024 — holding the federal stage.

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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