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Are you complaining? More than 1,800 online requests were left by Sevastopol residents over the past week

Are you complaining? More than 1,800 online requests were left by Sevastopol residents over the past week

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During the week from March 11 to 17, Sevastopol residents wrote 1,825 comments on social networks and on the “Government Services. Let’s decide together.» The most popular topic of discussion among townspeople was the area of ​​improvement. Users also left messages about housing and communal services, roads and transport. The requests were collected and analyzed by specialists from the Regional Management Center.

Thus, Sevastopol residents asked to remove the cut down tree branches on Sofia Perovskaya Street, 44G.

Vegetable waste is located on the territory of the garbage site and around containers– users specified.

Messages were sent to the administration of the Nakhimovsky district — the trees were soon removed.

A similar request was recorded from residents of Khrustaleva Street, 61. They talked about a spontaneous dump near garbage containers. The management company’s employees took up the issue. According to their information, the garbage was removed.

Comments about the broken section of the road between houses No. 8 on Stepanenko Street and No. 2 on Nikolai Muzyki Street were also taken into account.

This road was repaired a year and a half or two ago, but the sewer manhole was “rolled” into asphalt. Now a hole has formed that is difficult to get around, and therefore the canvas is destroyed, – the townspeople wrote.

Vodokanal reported that the section of the road was repaired and the manhole cover was also reinstalled: now it is located according to the rules, on the surface of the road.

Another question that interested Sevastopol residents was when the Golden and Silver beaches would be put in order.

With the approach of warmer weather, mountains of garbage threaten a serious fire and the destruction of the unique juniper forest in those places. Obviously, the beach operator alone is not able to remove all the garbage in a short time; the city’s help is needed. In the future, it is reasonable to manage the beach equipment so that all beach equipment is removed without a trace by November.— wrote residents of Sevastopol.

According to specialists from the Department of Municipal Affairs, operators cleared the coastlines and removed seasonal equipment.

Let us remind you that appeals on the topic of water supply, housing and communal services, street lighting, and landscaping can be sent to the social networks of the municipal services department:

You can ask questions or write about a problem related to the field of transport and roads in the comments on the pages of the relevant department on social networks and in the official telegram channel using the links:

In addition, messages on any topic are accepted on the official pages of department heads, deputy governors, city mayor Mikhail Razvozhaev and the Government of Sevastopol on social networks and Telegram, as well as on the “Government Services” platform. Let’s decide together” — the service can be used via a widget on VKontakte, an application or website.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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