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Art Craster Tavrida: Crimean teachers learn to create a creative environment in schools

Art Craster Tavrida: Crimean teachers learn to create a creative environment in schools

Krympress reports:

The flagship program for teachers of the Republic of Crimea continues at the Academy of Creative Industrials “Megan” (the project of the Tavrida art cluster). Teachers from all municipalities came to Taurida in Sudak in order to master the practical tools of visual arts for the development of a cultural and creative environment in their institutions. The materials that teachers develop will allow Crimean schoolchildren to learn the curriculum more effectively.

The program «Meganomic. Education environment, which takes place at Taurida.Art several times a year, is aimed at developing creative thinking among teachers of schools in the Republic of Crimea. The program allows step by step to create a new educational environment on the peninsula.

This time, within the framework of the visual art laboratory, 111 teachers — primary classes, Russian and foreign languages, geography, physical education, mathematics, history, music, art and biology — master modern technologies for visualization of meanings. Their implementation in training will increase students’ involvement in the educational process. The partner of the program is the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea.

We highly appreciate the partnership with the Academy of Creative Industry Megan, which allows us to jointly work on the development of the creative potential of our teachers. The importance of such cooperation is the possibility of providing them with modern practical tools for creating a creative environment in schools. This not only contributes to the modernization of the educational process, but also makes training more interactive and interesting for schoolchildren— notes the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Valentina Lavrik.

Within five days, federal experts immerse participants in the creative environment, introduce the current trends of visualization and teach to transmit meanings with the help of artistic means. According to the results, teachers will be able to develop involving educational materials using neural networks, video content, memes, compositions and colors.

The logic of cultural evolution in the modern world This is a visual priority. That is, the picture prevails over the word. This is a given era. Here you can also add the theory of clip thinking. Therefore, it is worth considering our changes in order to engage in training. In order to integrate visualization into training, you can start with a simple one: the inclusion of pictures, memes, color selection — follow the path of such almost psychological training. And you can go in a creative, symbolic direction and try to start, for example, from the association board, when you study some topic and together collect suitable pictures together-what is born in your head with small flashes when you think about it, — spoke about the need to use the visualization tools in the training expert of the program, philosopher, writer, teacher of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and REU named after G. V. Plekhanova, leading the author’s program on the Rain Rain, expert of the Culture television channel Ekaterina Gres.

In turn, the expert of the program, a teacher of philosophy of art and aesthetics in Mgachi named after V.I. Surikova, British Higher School of Design, Moscow State University. MV Lomonosova Alena Dyatko noted that visualization means play an important role in learning, because they help improve the perception and assimilation of information. For example, visual materials, such as diagrams, graphs and schemes, allow you to present complex ideas in a more affordable and figurative form, and images, infographics and video help to consolidate knowledge and make information more involved. In addition, according to the expert, visual data is remembered 65% better than textual ones, and visualization uses not only visual memory, but also other cognitive processes, which helps to more deeply understand the material and easier to remember it in the future.

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Among other experts who help the teachers of the Crimea to expand professional horizons and creatively restart, the founder of the Husky Dance branding studio and the names of the Zhukva, creative thinking coach, art director of the Animur Animated Cinema Festival Konstantin Sakhno, executive director of the charity project » Anna helps ”Daria Lipovetskaya, ex-head of Yandex Textbook, ex-chef textbook T-Zh Andrey Abramov, director of the drama theater, author and host of educational programs for directing, stage speech and acting, artistic director of the theater studio“ Tandem ” , actress of voicing Lina Snozin and others.

According to the results of the program, teachers will present demoors using new practices and creative approaches. They will be devoted to Russian culture and its reflection in academic subjects: great Russian cultural figures, the 80th anniversary of victory, media and technology in training and so on. Completely designed educational material — presentations, handout, design on the board, templates, posters — they will be able to use in the future in work.

Source: The press service of the Tavrida art cluster

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