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Artek is preparing to take the second shift in 2022

CrimeaPRESS reports:

ICC «Artek» starts the countdown to the start of the second shift 94 of the year «Navigators book seas. It will pass from — 12 February 5-6 March.

Each new beginning of the shift is the joy of meeting children, emotions and creativity. And the February shift is also a foretaste of spring. The staff of the children’s center is carefully preparing to welcome Artek residents. Employees put the finishing touches to the shift plan, rehearse concerts, create coziness around , — reports the press service of the International Children’s Center.

«Артек» готовится принять вторую смену 2022 года

Artek workers of the 2nd shift are already on their way to the children’s center. For the safety of children at the points of departure and arrival — airport, railway station, bus station — a «Green Corridor» was organized.

«Артек» готовится принять вторую смену 2022 года

The four-threshold entrance medical control over the state of health of each child continues to operate: at the places of arrival, at the medical center of the Artek base-hotel in Simferopol, upon arrival at the children’s camp and at the camps’ first-aid posts after being assigned to the detachments.

«Артек» готовится принять вторую смену 2022 года

In the meantime, a complete internal disinfection of all premises was carried out in the children’s center. Checked for personal protective equipment. Taking into account the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of Russia, all living quarters, canteens and recreation areas are equipped with masks, antiseptics, as well as information signs.

In three weeks, each Artek citizen will have the opportunity to show their best qualities, learn something new. In order for the change to be joyful and easy, to give only the most pleasant impressions, we are attentive to the educational program. We focus on unit affairs, and we organize important all-Artek events so that the camps and units do not intersect , — notes Yuri Kravchenko, head of the shift program.

«Артек» готовится принять вторую смену 2022 года

For counselors and educators, the days before the race are full of pleasant chores. Detachment corners are prepared in the buildings, the beds are covered with fresh sheets and soft bedspreads. Counselors come up with new games, rehearse creative numbers that they will perform at dating evenings.

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«Артек» готовится принять вторую смену 2022 года

Photos and materials: press service of ICC Artek.2129848

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