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«Artek» under the protection of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

«Artek» under the protection of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At the Artek MDC, the first shift this year began under the “Safety School: Star of Hope” program. Specialists from the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Crimea traditionally introduced the teams to the areas of activity of the emergency department.

This week, firefighters from Fire and Rescue Unit 13 introduced the children to basic safety rules and actions in the event of a fire. Artek residents were shown various types of equipment from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue tools that are used to carry out rescue work during incidents and emergencies. During practical classes, boys and girls learned how to quickly put on gas masks and firefighter’s combat clothing, knit rescue knots, and carry out combat deployment with water supplied from a fire truck— reported the emergency department.

In addition, at the beginning of each shift in all camps of the children’s center, evacuation drills are carried out, during which children and counselors are explained the rules on what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency. Training evacuations have already taken place in the Morskoy, Rechnoy, Lazurny, Khrustalny, Yantarny and Kiparisny camps.

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